Journal en ligne d'oto-rhino-laryngologie

Volume 4, Problème 1 (2014)

Article de révision

Predilection of Site in Chronic Rhinosinusitis: Tomographic Findings in 100 Patients

  • Jyothi A C, Shrikrishna B H , Sanjay G, Sandeep Samson G,Sameena kokab, Sreekantha
Rapport de cas

Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor of the Neck

  • Guler Berkiten, Muhlis Bal, Yavuz Atar, Ziya Salt
Rapport de cas

Pleomorphic Adenoma of Lateral Wall of Nose? A Rare Presentation

  • Usha Kumar Mahesh, Ratnakar Madhavarao Potekar
article de recherche

Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Infant screening

  • 1 Joyce Pascal Rozario , George J.O, Varadaraj Shenoy . K
Article de révision

Bronchoscopy as a therapeutic and diagnostic tool- a 10 year retrospective study- Sur Hospital experience

  • Fahim Ahmed shah, S.Hasan Abdul Cader, S.K.G.Reghunandanan Nair
Article de révision

An Update of Rhinosinusitis

  • Vishwambhar Singh ,Krishna Murari Tiwari
article de recherche

Anterior nasal packing in nasal surgeries and epistaxis: advantages of nasal tampon over conventional framycetin ribbon packs

  • Sudhir M Naik, Mohan Appaji , Ravishankar S, Goutham MK, AnnapurnaSM5, N Pinky Devi, Sarika S Naik
Rapport de cas

Odontogenic Cyst Case Report and Review

  • Sankaranarayanan Gopalakrishnan,Elango,Thamizharasan
Article de révision

Mutational Falsetto: A Panoramic Consideration

  • Srikamakshi Kothandaraman ,Balasubramanian Thiagarajan