Journal en ligne d'oto-rhino-laryngologie


Unusaual Presentation of Submandibular Duct and Gland Calcui: Case Report

Kiran J Shinde, Sachin Sharma, Amit Kumar Singh

Sialolithiasis is one of the most common pathologies of the submandibular gland; sialoliths account for about 80 percent of all salivary duct calculi.The majority of sialolith occurs in the submandibular gland or its duct and is common cause of acute and chronic infection. Salivary stones larger than 15 mm are classified as giant sialoliths. They are uncommon in the practice of otolaryngology, and their management has always been a therapeutic challenge. This report presents the two unusual and rare cases of large sialolith of the submandibular duct as well as gland measuring 70x11mm and 54x25mm respectively.