Recherche biomédicale


The anti-cancer and anti-metastasis effects of phytochemical constituents from Leucaena leucocephala

Liang-Chien She, Chi-Ming Liu, Ching-Tong Chen, Hsing-Tan Li, Wei-Jen Li, Chung-Yi Chen

The objective of this study was to evaluate the anti-cancer effects of compounds obtained from the plant Leucaena leucocephala in human chronic myelogenous leukaemia, prostate, liver, tongue, lung, melanoma, gastric and colon adenocarcinoma cancer cell lines. The data from the chemical analyses has identified 14 compounds belonging to prenols, sterol, flavonoids, coumarins and triterpene derivatives. The IC50 values of pheophorbide a methyl ester, pyropheophorbide and pheophytin-a are 2.6, 3.69 and 1.89 μM in AGS cell line. Pheophorbide a methyl ester, pyropheophorbide and pheophytin-a also displayed anti-migration and anti-invasion activity in AGS cell line. These results indicated that investigation on the anti-proliferation, anti-migration and anti-invasion effects of components from Leucaena leucocephala.

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