Robust CDR calculation for glaucoma identification
Manju K, Sabeenian RS
The two major eye diseases that affect human eye is Glaucoma and Diabetic retinopathy. Both these diseases cause permanent eye damage and about 50% of vision loss before identification. Till date early detection of these vision loss causing diseases is challenging. These diseases can be identified only after it has damaged more than 25% of the eye. Glaucoma is caused due to increase in the intraocular pressure that damages the retinal. The inner side of the retina is viewed through a camera called the Fundus Imager. This imager is capable of recording the view of retina with respect to the patient. This procedure makes us capable to identify the damages caused by these diseases in early stages. Detecting the optic disc and cup from a fundus image and calculating the CDR value is a method used to identify glaucoma in its early stages. In this paper we have proposed an automatic process to locate the optic disc and the optic cup from the retinal image. The optic disc is located at the centre of the eyes nervous system. This is the brightest region of the fundus image. The cup which is the inner part of the optic disc is obtained by further segmenting the fundus image. For better results different color planes of the same fundus image is been used. The optic cup to disc ratio is an important factor used to identify glaucoma. Glaucoma patients have a high CDR value. This is mainly due to the increase in the cup diameter. This can also be related to the thinning of the nerve rim.