Recherche biomédicale


Risk factors and adverse outcomes of preeclampsia: a tertiary care centrebased study in China

Yuan-yuan Su, Jin-zhi Zhang, Fang Wang

Purpose: To determine the adverse outcomes of preeclampsia in a tertiary care centre in China and to evaluate the associated risk factors.

Design: Case control study.

Patients and Methods: Amid the reporting period from September 2014 to August 2015, 1312 women delivered in the referral center, out of which 192 (6.83%) women had preeclampsia.

Results: The frequency of preeclampsia was observed to be 6.83%. Compared to women in control group (n=192), preeclampsia group women are older in age (p=0.133), had more parities (p=0.323), lesser education level (p<0.001), higher spontaneous abortion history (p=0.433) and were living in urban areas. Significantly higher gestational age at delivery, caesarean delivery, and neonatal care unit admission, (all p<0.001) was noted in women with preeclampsia. With respect to adverse outcomes, significantly higher number of preterm deliveries, still births, low birth weight (all p<0.001), neonatal deaths (p=0.023) and maternal deaths (p=0.032) were noted in preeclampsia group. Significant association of parity and low education level with preeclampsia was noted. The preeclampsia risk was inversely associated with number of visits for prenatal care.

Conclusion: Our study demonstrated significantly higher gestational age at delivery, preterm delivery, caesarean delivery, neonatal care unit admission, still births, neonatal deaths and maternal deaths in cases.