Radio frequency smog reduction from future heterogeneous base station
Narmadha Ramakrishnan, Malarkkan S
In modern era, communication technologies need a significant development. In order to improve the capacity and coverage, a massive technological advancement has become a widespread subject. However, the pollution caused by Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) radiation is considered as the greatest environmental hazard. Hence, the present analysis proposes a suitable solution to mitigate the RF pollution or smog from base station installation in hot spot areas. On the basis of mitigating the RF frequencies, much amendment has to be made on the design of base station, decreasing of signal transmission between the entities and also considering the distance. Heterogeneous networks security will increase the signalling transmission for getting user authentication. On the basis of authentication, fast authentication and re-authentication, this paper mainly focuses on the reduction of communication signal transmission between the entities. Before data transmission, the entities have to get the mutual negotiation. The performance metrics of base station depends on power required for transmission and reception, radiation pattern, distance between the entities and message transmission that leads to considerably decrease the R. F. smog and interference reduction. The main aim of this paper extenuates human health care from RF field interference occurring in Future Heterogeneous Base Station (FHBS) and standard limitation is provided in the RF interference range.