Recherche biomédicale


Modelling the H1N1 influenza using mathematical and neural network approaches

Daphne Lopez, Gunasekaran Manogaran, Jagan Mohan J

Infectious diseases are threatening the people’s life because it spreads easily and its impacts are more dangerous. Government should take a necessary action to control the spread of the diseases and implement the prevention policies to secure people. Agent based and compartment simulation models are used for the epidemic disease outbreak. Compartment models are better than the agent based model for quick estimating and require less computer resources. The compartment model is consists of ordinary differential equations, which is used to analyse people behaviours and the spread of the disease. The goal of this study is to develop a new SIR based model for epidemic diseases. A proposed model extended the idea of SELMAHRD model. The model idea is to combine SIjRS and SELMAHRD models. In addition, Multi-hidden layer neural network with non-multiplier is also used in this paper to learn the spread of disease of disease dynamics.

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