Recherche biomédicale


Enhanced bio-trusted anonymous authentication routing technique of wireless body area network

Sudha R, Devapriya M

In the current wireless era most of wireless body area networks are establishing Anonymous communications in adversary environments. This work aimed at preserving two factors unidentifiably and unlinkabilty as essential characteristic of this wireless body area network. Even though there are several existing researches focuses on anonymous secure routing protocols the requirement is not utterly satisfied. Previously existing protocols are susceptible to the attacks of counterfeit routing packets yet the node individualities are confined by pseudonyms. This paper devised a new biometric fusion based trusted anonymous secured routing protocol which assures prevention against such attacks. More specifically, the route request packets were authenticated by an iris fused with DNA coding to generate a dynamic complex group signature and to secure beside possible active attacks exclusive of presenting the node identities. In addition this work also prevented revealing real destination to intermediate nodes by adapting key-encrypted pairing onion. Simulation results confirmed the efficacy of the projected BFTASR protocol with enhanced performance as evaluated with the existing protocols.

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