Recherche biomédicale


Assessment of bone vascularity in the posterior maxilla during dental implant insertion by laser Doppler flowmetry

Miroslav Vasovic, Vladimir S. Todorovic, Elena Krsljak, Tatjana Kanjevac, Vladimir Kokovic

Bone quality is an important factor that may determine implant success. In addition to the other parameters that define bone quality, vascularity plays a vital role in the process of osseointegration of dental implants. Laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) is an appropriate method for assessment of tissue vascularity at the level of microcirculation. It is non-invasive, painless and well accepted by the patients. The results are expressed in Perfusion Units (PU). The aim of this study was to estimate bone vascularity in the human posterior maxilla during implant insertion using LDF. Nine patients, three females and six males, mean age 57.56 ± 8.83 years, consecutively treated with 54 implants were enrolled in this study. Implants were inserted in the posterior maxilla, in positions of first premolar, second premolar and first molar bilaterally in each patient. After implant site preparation with a drill of diameter 2.8 mm, bone vascularity was measured using LDF. Mean LDF value for 54 osteotomy sites was 43.39 ± 14.65 PU. Results of the present study showed there wasn’t statistically significant difference in LDF values between implant site positions and genders. It was also revealed that the proximity from the apical part of the implant site to the maxillary sinus floor had no influence on LDF values. Therefore, bone vascularity in the posterior maxilla could be measured by LDF during implant insertion, and those results might be considered as a standard data for this part of the upper jaw.

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