Advances in Dental-PMMA based artificial teeth through Rapid Prototyping technology.
Dinesh Kumar S, Anandan R, Ekanthamoorthy J
Rapid prototyping is a technology used to produce various prototypes and solid models directly from 3D CAD model by means of photopolymers and biomaterials has gained interest because of its structure which can build in high resolution. Rapid prototyping is used to design models in the field of aerospace and automobile. The main aim is to design artificial teeth through Rapid prototyping technology. In the past, artificial teeth’s are made of metal, porcelain, gold and silver where those teeth’s are not stable. The Rapid prototyping based teeth are developed through the selective laser sintering (SLS) technique developed using poly-methyl acryl-ate called acrylic teeth. PMMA (poly-methyl acryl-ate) is a net-like structure provides increased resistance to deformation. These teeth might have greater toughness. Rapid prototyping in the field of medicine is really a difficult task, requires more knowledge in the field of medicine and in engineering.