Journal de biologie cellulaire et métabolisme

Histologie et biologie cellulaire

Article de révision

Multifocal leiomyo-adenomatoid tumour of the uterus a distinct pathological entity

  • Junainah EM, Elrashidy A, Elnashar H, Huwait HF, Albezrah NKA, Bakr AS, Ali H, Alawad S, Althaher F, Althaher A, Junainah E, Elmetwally A, Junainah M
Article de révision

Evaluation of chemerin and leptin in serum of chronic hepatitis C patients.

  • Phebe Lotfy Abdel-Messeih, Heba Hosny Mansour, Dalia Ramzy Ibrahim
Rapport de cas

Tromboembolic recurrence parallel to the progression of breast cancer: Risk factors and central venous catheter thrombosis.

  • Losada B, Gutierrez D, Pantin MC, Anton B, Guerra JA, De Torres MV
article de recherche

Retrospective study of cholangiocarcinoma's diagnosed in the hospital of Fuenlabrada in the period 2006-2016

  • Losada B, Gutierrez D, Juez I, Pantin MC, Anton B, Guerra JA, De Torres MV

Stem cell therapy.

  • Ibrahim KI