Journal de recherche en neurologie et neuroréadaptation


The overview on the limitations and use of a pharmacogenomics method to patient management for animal medical image analysis in central nervous system.

Shiuh Hwang

The use of new nuclear medicine in imaging studies shows potential for biological tumour characterization and tumour classification by allowing tumour molecular and biochemical characteristics to be seen. The use of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers in brain tumours varies depending on the type of tumour and also the research or clinical importance that must be considered. The primary purpose of is to distinguish radioactive material necrotic from breast cancer recurrence in medical central nervous system, and novel PET medicines have appealing referred to in section. Innovative PET probes can provide physiological data that contrast enhanced MRI or PET cannot. In addition to providing intriguing instances in this perspective, this paper seeks to offer an overview on the complementing function of PET imaging in central nervous system in both clinical and academic settings.