Journal de traumatologie et de soins intensifs


The Epidemiology of Motor Vehicle Accedents

Alejandra Joaquín

Automobile accidents are a prominent cause of death in many countries. Iran is a country in the Middle East that is prone to natural disasters and mishaps. Iranians have a high rate of automobile accidents: over 30,000 Iranians are killed in car accidents each year, according to estimates. Pedestrians had the highest rate of fatality in road accidents in Iran in 2010-2011. Drivers in developed countries are the most vulnerable to traffic injuries. However, in developing countries, pedestrians are involved in a significant percentage of traffic accidents, with a death rate of 55-57% in urban pedestrians. Pedestrians cross the roadway in the majority of collisions. The main causes of the accidents are either their dangerous actions or their failure to follow traffic laws. Several behavioral characteristics have been studied in relation to the occurrence of accidents in the past. These causes include pedestrians' inattentiveness, crossing the street on an unmarked roadway, crossing the road with doubt or delay, running while crossing the road, and pedestrians' ignorance of traffic lights. Multi-tasking while crossing the street, such as talking on a cell phone, carrying burdens, eating, conversing with people, and using headphones, is the leading cause of pedestrian accidents.