Journal de bactériologie et des maladies infectieuses


Review on Epidemiological Survey On Foodborn Infection In Romania

Liana Monica Deac

An outbreak of Foodborne disease,  is considered and defined up to the WHO data,  when two or more people experience similar illness after consuming food, from a common source. There is important to be mentioned then on  each year, an estimated 48 million people in the United States get foodborne illness, who cause 128, 000 hospitalizations and about 3,000 deaths annually. Each year, 1 in 6 Americans gets sick by consuming contaminated foods or beverages. More than 250 different foodborne diseases can  be described yearly worldwide. Most of these diseases are infections, causing  a difficult morbidity, by a variety of bacteria, viruses, and parasites, that can be existent in many  food products everywhere  in our world today. All these statistic arguments were used by us to start and study such infections and their  incidence and morbidity   in  some specific and separate  Romanian  regions. The detection and investigation was  primarily handled by local health jurisdictions of medical polices. We have studied  professional all  happened and determined already in detail  such appeared medical phenomena for Foodborn inefctions. True is and it must be accepted then  anyone can get sick by a foodborne illness, caused by foods improperly prepared or mishandled at home, or  in food service establishments, or even on markets. That for, during  2015-2019,  it was studied in our institutions many data, for to determine a complex epidemiological and clinical survey and study. The reason was to figure out  how such diseases can appear in our territory.  All present and occurred  facts were analyzed, as well all phenomena caused  foodborn infections. Finally all this  let many data and interpretations. With,  many   cases of the diseases  from our Ro  regions, were well analyzed, from several medical  and epidemiological point of view. There were cumulate during the study time , 18,890 suspect and  real sick cases. Foodborne diseases occurred mostly as a result of ingestion of contaminated food products, because of several microorganisms, which  appeared at any stage in the food process from:  food production, processing to consumption. Most illness usually have arise even from improper handling, incorrect hand washing in meals preparation, or food storage.. All these were serious analyzed  arguments and have started  observations and comprehensive epidemiological study , for the appeared  foodborn infections and their  incidence, detected  in our  regions. Most of our reported cases of foodborne illness occured as individual 15% or sporadic cases, in family or collectivity situations- 27%. All  almost appeared during the summer season, from May to September, on each year. It was present an average of 10 % for the hot year 2016 in special in august time  and  even an increase  of  5% cases, in the very warm summer days of the year 2017 and 2019. Most of  illnesses were  simple  forms  70% , or 22%  middle one. Only 5% have need hospitalization and from this only 3% were considered emergency cases for a  specific treatment use . The microbiological etiology was suggestive for:  Salmonella spp. in  67% forms and  Salmonella enteritidis was a characteristic in 29% of  the cases.  It was identified  even then 14% of diseases were determined by Staphylococcus aureus . Foodborne diseases are globally important, because of their often high incidence in some places and the costs that they impose on  each land or society in such conditions. Food contamination  occurred in our cases , at any activity point, during: production, processing, distribution, or preparation. In our Ro situation, some foods were contaminated before to reach in the  kitchen, by  incorrect hand washing  ofthe food handlers. When contaminated food stayed on store shelves, in restaurant kitchens, or in home pantries, more people became sick. Outbreaks occurred  in Urban in 57% cases and in  Rural in  43% of cases. We have detect mostly the disease, in adults with several chronically diseases, male in  56%, followed by elderly people in 24%,  or young children in 20% of cases .It was  also determined  the  opportunity how the diseases can happen in  our Ro population and so, it was demonstrate that the insecure food preparations and less hygiene habits  in  some kitchens, let the outbreaks happen. Most frequent contaminated food products found I our regions were:  egg products in 25%;   meat products in 20%;  milk products in 18%, unwashed well fruits in  17% , or  even some seafood dishes, in 11% of the cases. It is clear already then foodborn infections must and can  be prevent in population, and that for,  there are  some food safety recommended steps as: clean, separate, cook, and chill  to lower chance of food poisoning and to can protect well all of us, for to not  get  sick and infected. Also, it is necessary to wash correct   hands when we prepare any food,  or eat them, More there is useful  to clean correct all  surfaces as often possible and to not allow  any cross-contaminate can happen anywhere where food can be prepared for several meals distributions.  Also, we must be attentive to never leave perishable food outside  for more than 2 hours and to  refrigerate promptly the food prepares for any dishes use.. Foodborn diseases are globally important because of their high incidence,  medical demages and even  the costs they impose anytimes and anywhere.  It is necessary to prevent and control  such infection, which means almost to be put together specialists for: laboratory, epidemiology, environmental health, hygiene as several other one, with more possible enteric disease expertise. All efforts conduct  to prevent foodborn infections and are  attributes for  correct determination of all medical phenomena and analyzes of the  outbreaks responsibilities anywhere else worldwide.