Journal de la science cellulaire et des mutations


Prescribing pattern and prescription cost minimization in type-II diabetes mellitus with therapeutic effectiveness of generic drugs in a multi-super specialty hospital.

Arun Kumar S, Subba Rao Ch, Priyanka D

Pharmacoeconomics is a branch of health economics related to the most economical and efficient use of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaco economic research identifies measures and compares the costs and outcomes of pharmaceutical products and services. To prove that use of generic drugs can minimize the prescription cost of Type-II Diabetic patients with or without co-morbidities. To reduce burden on the consumers for effective management of healthcare system and to make more effective use of limited resources for minimization of healthcare benefits at lower cost. Scope of work: The present work focuses on improving the use of generic drugs and minimizing the prescription cost of Type II Diabetes patients with or without co-morbidities. • Industry: It helps in deciding among specific research and development alternatives • Government: It helps in determining programme benefits and prices paid Private sector: It helps in designing insurance benefit coverage.