Journal de la santé des enfants et des adolescents


Gender and grade differences in handwriting performance among the school children

Kiran Sharma

The aim of the study was to assess the Gender and Grade differences in Handwriting Performance among 6-12 years old School children. A total of 1096 students of grade 1-6 were screened out using Handwriting Proficiency Screening Questionnaire, out of which 34.48% students found to have Handwriting deficiency. The mean age of children was 9.02 years. Children having manuscripts handwriting format were selected for the study. The handwriting performance of the student was assessed using Evaluation Tool of Children’s Handwriting-Manuscript (ETCH-M). Result showed that overall, 67% of boys and 33% of girls had handwriting difficulties. Handwriting of the girls was more legible as compared to the boys. Girls were faster writer than the boys. When Handwriting performance were analysed according to the grades study showed handwriting speed and legibility improves from grade to grade. Result also showed the negative correlation between the Writing speed and legibility ranging from r=-0.09 to -0.14 (gender) and r=-0.22 to -0.51 (grade). There was significant difference in the quality or speed scores among the students using different pencil grasps. Thus, the study concluded that, school authorities should carry out children’s screening for handwriting performance on regular basis so that handwriting issues can be solved as early as possible.