Journal des maladies parasitaires : diagnostic et thérapie


Cross sectional survey of equine gastro intestinal stroglylosis and Fasciolosis in Goba District of Bale Zone, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia.

Wubishet ZW

Equines are important draft power for poor communities in developing countries like Ethiopia. It play important role in agricultural economy of growing worlds. Equine uses for transportation, riding, carting and others depending community cultural and life style. Cross sectional study was conducted on Equine gastro intestinal Strongylosis and Fasciolosis in Goba district of Bale zone Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. Study involving a total of 384 (218 Horses, 107 Donkeys and 59 Mules) samples were conducted. These parasites are main parasitic disease affecting the wellbeing of horses, mules and donkeys with over all prevalence of 83.3% and 11.98%, respectively. The occurrence of equine Gastrointestinal Strongylosis and Fasciolosis in this study suggests the importance these parasites in the study area and the overall effect on drought power. There were statistically significant variation (P<0.05) between (male vs. female) and species of equines with regard to Equine Strongylosis. However, there was no statistically significant variation (P>0.05) between Equine Fasciolosis between male and female; species of equines (Horse, donkey and mule) and age groups of equines. This study revealed that equine Fasciolosis is an important parasitic disease of equine next to Strongylosis in study area. In conclusion, less attention given to equine in study area affecting the wellbeing of horses, mules and donkeys. For this reason, due emphasis should be given particularly in prevention and control of the parasitic disease in Equine using broad spectrum anthelmintic and management of equine should be improved.