Journal de bactériologie et des maladies infectieuses


Case study on disease of foot and mouth in bull in Wolenchiti district, veterinary clinic of East Shoa zone central Ethiopia.

Berhanu Bidu*, Berhanu Wakjira, Feyera Gemeda, Takele Beyene, Teshale Sori

Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is extremely contagious, acute viral disease of cloven-hoofed animals. A 4-years old Bull was admitted at Wolenchiti District, Veterinary Clinic of East shoa zone central Ethiopia. The bull was presented with the history of reduced feed intake, drooling of saliva and loss of body condition. UP on physical examination; body temperature, respiratory and heart rates were 40.5°C, 38 breath/min and 68 beats/min, respectively. In addition, ulcers in the oral cavity, lip-smacking and wound in the internal digital space were observed. Based on the history, clinical sign of the patient and clinical examination the disease Foot and Mouth disease was tentatively suspected. A Mobile App (EDDiE) aids was suspect 90.1% Cowdriosis, 5.63% FMD, 2.83% LSD and 0.61% black leg. Iodine Tincture and Oxytetracyclin 20% wound spray were applied topically while penstrip at a dose of 1 ml/25 kg administered parentrally and the bull was recovered successfully.