Journal de recherche en neurologie et neuroréadaptation


C2 Vertebral Corpectomy for Kyphosis Malunion of Remote Dens Fracture with Atlantoaxial Ankylosis and Myelopathy: Case Report at Twelve Years Follow-Up

Drew Bednar

Late myelopathy from dens fracture non-union is rare and management in this case was greatly challenged by complete arthritic ankyloses C1/2. Purpose We report a case of ankylosed dens malunion in kyphosis developing progressive myelopathy decades after injury and requiring unique salvage surgery. Study design/Setting An academic spine care center. Patient sample-the patient was a 75-year-old female at presentation. Outcome measures Clinical myelopathy, X-ray alignment, CT scan. Methods-careful C2 corpectomy immediately distal to the odontoid process was successful in reversing myelopathy and preserving stability. This case is presented without funding support and the patient has given her permission for her case to be presented.