Journal de psychologie et de cognition


Alexithymia in autism: Orderly audit of brain proof and clinical implications.

Emmam Kinnaird*

High paces of alexithymia, a condition portrayed by challenges recognizing and depicting feelings, are regularly revealed in the two kids and grown-ups with chemical imbalance range jumble (ASD). Nonetheless, the problem of estimating alexithymia by means of self-report has seldom been tended to. In this review, we looked at level headed and abstract proportions of alexithymia in grown-ups with ASD and regularly creating grown-ups. We tracked down altogether more elevated levels of alexithymia in the ASD test as estimated by both self-report on the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) and by the spectator evaluated Alexithymia Incited Reaction Scale (APRQ). Be that as it may, the two measures didn't correspond with one another. We investigate the various aspects of the alexithymia develop that these two measures might recognize.