Journal de dentisterie clinique et de santé bucco-dentaire


A rare presentation of herpes zoster induced osteonecrosis of jaw in an immunocompetent individual

Shikha Gupta, Khushboo Singh, Sujoy Ghosh, Meera Choudhary, Sunita Gupta

Herpes Zoster (HZ) or Shingles presents as a cutaneous vesicular eruption in the area innervated by the affected sensory nerve, usually associated with severe pain. Oral manifestations of HZ appear when the mandibular or maxillary divisions of the trigeminal nerve are affected. Osteonecrosis of Jaw Bones (ONJ) is one of the rare complications associated with it. This paper will discuss about a case of HZ with subsequent osteonecrosis of maxillary bone as one of the complication