Recherche en anesthésiologie et en sciences cliniques


A brief note on epidural steroid injections

Crystal DSouza

Chronic low back pain (LBP) and neck pain are the leading causes of long-term disability worldwide. There are various causes that can lead to LBP, such as herniated discs, arthritis of the face, and pain in herniated discs. Epidural steroid injections have been used since 1952 to relieve the pain of these conditions. Epidural steroid injections, when indicated, are invaluable non-surgical treatments for low back pain that radiates to the lower extremities and, rarely, neck pain that radiates to the arms. Procedures include administration of steroids to the epidural space to treat the cause of the disc-induced pain. If successful, epidural steroid injections provide pain relief that allows recovery of function and / or return to the physiotherapy regimen.