Gynécologie et endocrinologie de la reproduction


3D models from medical images

Fadi Numan

 Seeing the inside of the human body is invaluable to diagnosis and preoperative planning, and medical imaging remains the most potent revolutionary technology to healthcare. However, examination and analysis are only superficial interactions with our patients images, and the potential of 3-dimensional literacy among the medical community is detrimental to the future of clinical practice and computer-enabled healthcare. In this workshop students and clinicians are introduced to medical image processing fundamentals. You will navigate through medical datasets, segment anatomy and pathology of interest, and extract 3D models for use in diagnosis, patient education, preoperative planning, and 3D printing.

            Anatomical models are significant preparing and showing apparatuses in the clinical condition and are routinely utilized in clinical imaging research. Advances in division calculations and expanded accessibility of three-dimensional (3D) printers have made it conceivable to make cost-proficient patient-explicit models without master information. We present a general work process that can be utilized to change over volumetric clinical imaging information (as created by Computer Tomography (CT)) to 3D printed physical models. This procedure is separated into three stages: picture division, work refinement and 3D printing. To bring down the boundary to passage and give the most ideal choices when expecting to 3D print an anatomical model from clinical pictures, it is of of applicable free and open-source picture division devices just as 3D printing advancements. These exhibit the utility of this smoothed out work process by making models of ribs, liver, and lung utilizing a Fused Deposition Modeling 3D printer.